Tag Archives: SK Telecom

Quantum Internet Outlook 2021

Quantum Internet Outlook 2021

Business must act now to secure itself against the security threat posed by future quantum computers. Fortunately new quantum-resistant maths-based crypto is on track to protect businesses that act promptly. To understand the growing momentum behind additional physics-based quantum security, it’s necessary to appreciate its unique enduring security promise and the long term direction in…

Quantum safe cryptography – the big picture

Recently updated advice on quantum security technologies from the UK NCSC is bluntly sceptical about the promised benefits of quantum key distribution. This seems at odds with the scramble of governments around the world to promote the development of quantum networking technologies. Who is right? Future large scale quantum computers will one day bring many…

Quantum Europe

Europe’s drive to create wealth from Quantum Technology

The focus of the EU’s €1b Quantum Flagship programme is not basic science, nor is it simply about bringing new technologies to market. The end-goal is driving wealth creation, jobs and societal benefits in Europe. This requires kick-starting the competitive position of European industry in this sector and making Europe the region of choice for…

Quantum Outlook

Quantum Outlook 2019

2018 has seen rising awareness of the future potential of quantum technology. 2019 is set to see quantum computing in particular at the peak of its hype cycle. Fact Based Insight believes that investors should take a wide view of the sector to find value in the short, medium and long term. The road to…

Quantum Safe Cryptography

The world is waking up to the need for quantum safe cryptography

A new quantum network has been launched in the UK and quantum initiatives are underway at telecom players SK Telecom, BT, Telefónica and Huawei – the world is starting to prepare in earnest for the advent of large scale quantum computers. Quantum computers promise to bring a remarkable range of benefits to industry and society. …