Tag Archives: Supremacy

Quantum Outlook

Quantum Outlook 2019

2018 has seen rising awareness of the future potential of quantum technology. 2019 is set to see quantum computing in particular at the peak of its hype cycle. Fact Based Insight believes that investors should take a wide view of the sector to find value in the short, medium and long term. The road to…

Quantum Strategy

Quantum strategies in the NISQ era

We are about to enter a new transitional phase in the development of quantum technology. Behind the headlines there are a diversity of strategies available for those wanting to get on board. In 2012 Caltech professor John Preskill coined the term quantum supremacy for the quest to demonstrate a calculation on a quantum device that…

Quantum Information Processing

Introduction to Quantum Information Processing

Quantum computers offer no advantage in and of themselves. Their true potential is only realised when they run new quantum algorithms. Conventional computers have benefited from 50 years of continuous development. The speed of their underlying logic gate operations will be significantly faster than the speed of quantum gate operations for the foreseeable future. Take…